The 2017 Land and Resource Symposium convened a mix of elected officials from local and First Nations governments and their senior staff; representatives of resource-based economic sectors including forestry (major licensees, woodlot associations, community forests), agriculture, tourism, trapping, and guide outfitting; and provincial government agency staff from: Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development, Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation; and Agriculture.
For a list of all participants, including those invited but who weren't able to attend, see the Symposium Attendance document below.
On Day 2 of the Cariboo Chilcotin Land and Resource Symposium, participants had the option to participate in three of six breakout sessions on the topics of: timber/fibre supply; fire and its management; fish, wildlife and habitat; agriculture; forest health; and hydrology/water. Participants were asked to debrief on what struck them from the panellist’s presentation; add any additional impacts, challenges or opportunities, and identify the most immediate next steps.
Based on notes from these sessions the final report summary, discussion, and recommendations were developed.